CSS Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements in Action


6 min read

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is an independent language used to describe the presentation of web applications. As any other language, you will need to understand the various concepts of the language. In this article, we will look at pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements concepts in CSS using practical examples.


This article focuses on the concepts of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. You will therefore need a basic understanding of other HTML and CSS concepts. Check the introduction to CSS and HTML topics.

The CSS Pseudo Classes

A pseudo-class is a CSS property that will style an element based on a change to its state. A pseudo-class will target HTML elements that cannot be targeted with combinators or other selectors like id or classes. This selector is used to define a special state of an element. An example is when a user mouses over an element in a web page or an input element gets a focus state. The syntax of pseudo-class looks like:

    property:  value;

Pseudo-classes are preceded by a colon (:) placed just after a CSS selector and then the name of the pseudo-class. It is important to note that the pseudo-classes are not case sensitive.

Types of CSS Pseudo Classes

Having understood what a pseudo-class is and its structure, I will introduce you to the common types of CSS pseudo-classes. First, we will go through the pseudo-classes for the anchor or the <a> tags. These pseudo-classes only apply to elements containing the <a> tag and the href=" " attribute. The anchor pseudo-class selectors include:

  • The : link pseudo-class will match and select all unvisited. An example to make all unvisited links on a web page grey is like:

      color: grey;
  • The : visited pseudo-class will match and select all the visited links. An example in the CSS code will look like:

     a: visited{
       color: blue;
  • The : hover pseudo-class will apply when the mouse cursor is over a certain link. This link is said to be in its hover state and will be selected. For example, to change a color of a hovered link to cyan, the CSS code can be:

       color: cyan;
  • The : active pseudo-class matches an element that is activated by the user by clicking a link on the web page. An example is like:

       color: green;

    Note that the : hover should come after the : link and : visited pseudo-classes in CSS definition. Other common CSS pseudo-classes include:

  • The :root selects the document's root element like the <html> element.

  • The:focus pseudo-class will select all the input elements that have the focus state active. Such as checkbox or radio elements.

  • The :focus-within will match an element with focus and also the descendant's elements with that focus.

  • Using the : enabled pseudo-class will match an element that is in an enabled state.

  • The : disabled selects every disabled element.

  • Using the : checked pseudo-class will select every checked element such as a radio button or checkbox.

  • Using the : not performs a negation of the pseudo-classes. Example : not(p) : not(: hover) selects every element that is not a <p> element and all the other links that will not be in the hover state.

  • The :first-child pseudo-class will match the first element within its parent element.

  • :last-child selects the element which is last among its siblings in the parent element.

  • :nth-child() match elements from a list of siblings. We apply a formula of an+b to match the siblings. For example, 2n+1 would match elements 1,3,5,7, etc to give an odd outcome.

Check out other CSS pseudo-classes available in detail here.

The CSS Pseudo Elements

A CSS pseudo-element is a keyword added to a selector that lets you style a specific part of that selected element. I like to think of pseudo-elements like virtual elements that we can treat as regular HTML elements. The thing is that they do not exist in the DOM. We do not actually type the pseudo-elements in HTML, but rather create them with CSS.

The structure of a pseudo-element in CSS is like:


The pseudo-elements selectors allow us to create items that do not normally exist in the document tree. In CSS3, to distinguish pseudo-elements from pseudo-classes, you need to use two colons (::).

The Common Types of CSS Pseudo Elements

The common types of pseudo-elements include:

  • The :: before will insert content before every element. This enables us to add content before a certain element like:

    <p>This is a paragraph</p>
  • ::after matches a stylable element appearing after the originating element's actual content. Here is an example:

    <p>This is a paragraph</p>
  • ::first-letter will match the first letter of the containing element. An example using <p> tag is like:

    <p> The very first letter in this line will have a 22px font size and a red color.</p>
      font-size: 22px;
      color: color;
  • ::first-line selects the first line of every element. Here is an example using a <p> tag element:

      this is the first line. I want it blue in color. Let us keep learning CSS.
      There is more to it than meets the eye.

    Using the ::first-line pseudo-element in the CSS will make this <p> tag first line have a blue color:

      color: blue;
  • The :: selection pseudo-class will select the portion of the text of an element that the user selects. Example:

      This text will have a black background and a red color when a user selects it.

    The CSS to apply selection will be:

      background: black;
      color: red;
  • The ::placeholder pseudo-element can be used to grab the placeholder in the <input type="text" placeholde="Your Username"> tag element. The example below will make the color of the input element's placeholder color red.

    <input type="text" placeholder="Your Username">
      color: red;
  • The ::-webkit-scrollbar will let you customize the scrollbar on scrollable elements. An example of this in CSS will look like:

      width: 10px;
      background-color: grey;
      background-color: yellow;

    Check out all the Pseudo-elements available and the browser compatibility in the MDN documentation.


CSS plays a crucial part in frontend web development. With concepts such as pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, web developers now have more exciting options for styling web pages. The question of which pseudo-class or element to use depends on what you want to achieve. If used wisely, these concepts will bring a cleaner semantic style.

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